Coming to Columbus & Denver & Portland & Sweden!
Later this month after my show at SUNY Brockport (near Rochester, NY), I fly to Columbus, OH to see my buddy Bobby Painter perform as the leading role of Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (and if you saw my last presentation at Greenbelt, you will know what that story is REALLY all about!)I just got confirmation that while I am in Columbus I will perform Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House at New Creation Metropolitan Community Church, Sunday October 28 at 7:00 PM. You can get the full details at my site. So if you are in the Columbus area, come on by (and if you want to see Bobby as Joseph, let me know and I will get you the details. He is an amazing singer and has been working out for weeks for the half-naked scenes. Biblical theater can be so racy.)
The following weekend (Nov 2-4) I will be in Estes Park with the Quakers (outside of Denver) and although it has not been confirmed yet, I may present something at the Denver MCC--Metropolitan Church of the Rockies. Keep your eye on the performance schedule.
And for you Texas people....nothing. But my booking agent has begun to make some inquiries in Austin and Dallas. Of course if you have any contacts at universities or churches, let me know and I will pass them on. (I write this because you guys are the biggest whiners in the world about me not doing anything in your area :-)
In other travel news, I will be back in Portland, Oregon from December 3-17 to hang out with guys of the Anawim Community, who I got to know in January when I joined them at their annual retreat. These are grounded, wise and sincere gay Christan men, deeply spiritual and good fun. I get to stay with Doug and Bruce until they tire of me. I also have some super Quaker connections in Portland (hey Noël and Bonnie!) and Salem (hey Peggy and Alivia!) and other super folks I have met through the university, the MCC and the Q Center. I have no immediate plans to present anything in Portland as I am mainly going to rest and reflect and consume copious amounts of high quality coffee with even higher quality friends, but I may do one or two simple presentations.
On Christmas Day I fly to Stockholm then Umeå to visit Alex, Noa and the kids for a few weeks. Dark, bitter cold northern Sweden in the dead of winter. Delicious. I might just do a show so that I don't freeze to death.
Boys, you will have to keep me warm!
Having been home for over a month feels great. I tidied up, rearranged, got loads done, connected with friend and feel very very content, so I am glad I don't go too far for a copy of weeks. Of course with such brilliant people in those far away places, it makes it easy to leave my comfy lair.
Right now I'm listening to the new Radiohead In Rainbows album with its distinctive Radiohead dreamy, dreary sound. Good tunes for an overcast day.
UPDATE: After being harassed for weeks, I caved and joined Facebook. So all you harassers, work your Facebook magic and make me your friends or bedbugs or level 5 angel-sluts or whatever its called on Facebook.
Labels: connections, Sweden, tour
Yeay! Sweden..
And by the way Peterson.. Why dont you get yourself som facebook
Ugh! Enough with the Facebook! Okay, Okay, I just signed up. You happy?
I knew you would give in eventually ;)It's fun. Suddenly I have friends that I didn't know about *grin*
Are you feeling better by the way?
A x
Peterson! I'm one of the whiners about Texas (although I live in Illinois), but I may have a contact for you. In fact, I probably have a contact for you.
My Aunt is pastor of an affirming Lutheran church in Austin. She's actually been very influential in me emerging from ex-gay ministry and has devoted quite a bit of time, energy, and prayer to reaching out to my evangelical parents.
I'm going to email my aunt immediately. I'd be delighted if this could work out--not least because I've spoken so highly of your work to my parents that they have offered to attend your performance if it happened near them!
More info to come (I'll try to use a more private communication link than your blog, too)
Sweet John, thanks! My e-mail is
that would be sooo cool.
I´ll be in Linköping for christmas, totally ignoring my relatives (they don´t know yet)and spending time with Mickes hilarious family .. so we'll be sort of closer when you're in stockholm :) /anna HP
Last time in Stockholm you just made funny faces as I hurt myself.. Thats how I remember it...
Welcome to facebook!
Haha :D
Oh I blogg now too by the way, but only in Swedish.
But you knew swedish quite well right???
I am also listening to that album. Esther
daniel, that moment was so funny, not you bashing your leg into the stone bench, but that look on your face. Priceless.
Esther, you are always cool, and usually cooler than me.
I'm so happy, happy, happy you're coming!
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